Wednesday, October 22, 2008

young things

i'd be borne from that tree there, see?
that oak built big like lungs
take those leaves there, see?
make them into teacups

i found a chick behind the barn
i brought it to my bedroom and i had kept her with me
on the windowsill during the day
and let her run around

okay now inhale and push out your belly
i'm going to braid your hair down your back
if you show me how to ride your horse
and how to make my body long and lean

well she was so small, she slept by my bed at night
and was so downy soft
it was almost too much to touch
and in the morning i'd wake worried she'd be gone

here when you pluck these from the branches
you can pull back the outer skin
and inside is the fluff of the tree
feel it

do you want to come with me?
i'm going to bring her home
i'm going to let her go

to the barn
and let her back
i can show you the new piglets
and the rooster
but first lay here with me
feel the grass behind our knees

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